Welcome  to

Sinan Company


Natural raw materials for paints

Natural Building Materials
and other good things for
your home and health

P.O. Box 857
Davis, CA 95616-0857

( (530) 753-3104 - phone
6 (270) 675-7423 - fax

Email: info @ sinanco.com

Natural Wood Finishes, Wall Paints
Glues, and Artist Paints


Recommended Book:
The New
Autonomous House
by Brenda & Robert Vale
The experience with their actual dream house and living 'off the grid' - very current again with rising oil prices
Click on book-cover or here to purchase!
more books

Environmental Alternatives Catalog
natural shoe care, body oils, books, soaps etc.


Established: 28 October 1995
Updated: 22 February 2008

© The Sinan Company